Biotechnology is one very popular career choice for many through the world. People who work in biotechnology don't just jump into the field straight from a job selling ice cream or working in a restaurant, however. They studied and trained in biology and sciences for many years beforehand. Though the important credentials come from a university, it's your basic high school biology that can make or break your chances of getting a job in the field. Here's how Biology 101 matters to your future career.

High school biology is the base upon which you will build your entire store of knowledge while studying biotechnology in university. Like a house with a crumbling foundation, if you spend your high school biology years day dreaming about going on vacation and miss some material, you're going to have trouble building upon it later. Even if you push on regardless, it could all come crashing down around your ears someday as you get more and more confused.

High school biology is likely the first time you will be introduced to cells and the components, such as mitochondria and membranes, that you will be manipulating directly in your career as a biotechnologist. You might, for example, be called upon to analyze test results for a home inspection company to test how harmful mold in the home can be, so comparing healthy cell to bad cells where client has had exposure.

Genetics is another field you'll be introduced to for the first time in high school biology. By learning about how your parents' genes are responsible for how flexible you are and how things like eye color and genetic mutations are passed on, you are setting the stage for your career. Genetics is one of the most exciting fields of biotechnology, as scientists are always trying to use genes to produce better cures, larger plants, and more resilient humans.

Understanding the mechanics of life - how cells form, how they divide, how they function - is the base curriculum for high school biology, and it will help you later when you're a biotechnologist. Combined with your physics and chemistry training, you could actually develop a new way to influence, change, or mimic how cells work.

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